Jordache is an American clothing company that manufactures apparel including shirts, jeans, and outerwear. The brand is known for its designer jeans that were popular in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
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Let’s continue our exploration of the best and brightest of makeup and beauty’s all-time faves. These are the products that have been propelled into the must-have Hall of Fame, not only due to their overwhelming popularity, but for their constant high-quality performance. To get on this list, it’s not enough for a product to have a season of “gotta have it.” Nope. To be named here, a product must go the distance, over and over, to prove its worth. Maybe they came onto the market last year…or last decade…but they all have earned their spots on this list, as well as in our hearts!
- Butter London Nail Foundation – Over the past few years, we’ve come to know and love the bold colors with the cheeky British names. They all really hold their vibrancy, and wear so well. But one of the most unassuming looking Butter London products is also one of the most amazing! The Butter London Nail Foundation works behind the scenes to flawlessly smooth out any ridges and bumps so your finished product has a perfect satin finish.
- Bare Escentuals Powder Foundation – When this foundation first came on the market, no one quite knew what to make of it. A powder foundation… with medium coverage… that was actually good for your skin? What is this magic?! But Bare Essentuals has proven itself year after year, garnering more devotees by the day. No caking. No creasing. No breakouts. No oil. Perfection. Swirl, tap, and buff!
- The Original Beautyblender – It looked like a gimmick at first. And it’s certainly had dozens of copy-cat products claiming to work as well. But there really is only one Beautyblender. The pointy end gets in all those tight spots next to your nose and around your eyes, while the rounded end smooths out all the other spots. The tap-and-rock method, thanks to the sponge’s unique consistency, really helps to get that foundation and concealer blended flawlessly. Airbrush perfect.
- L’Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream – Yes, it’s French, and that does secretly make us feel extra fancy when using it. But that alone wouldn’t get the L’Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream on this list. The lush 20% shea butter formula absorbs quickly and completely, and the smell is divine! Our purse would feel empty without it (and our hands would definitely be cracked and dry)!
- Ole Henriksen Truth Serum – For years, beauty science has been trumpeting the effectiveness of Vitamin C in increasing cell turnover and eliminating dark spots and acne scars. But the real genius of the Ole Henriksen Truth Serum is the smooth, fast absorbing gel. Your skin feels instantly moisturized, while under the surface, that Vitamin C is hard at work making you even more beautiful!
You’ve probably heard people with brown eyes lament and long for any other eye color. You might even hear them say, “Brown eyes are boring.” Well, actually, they’re probably the most versatile color to play off and enhance eye makeup! People with brown eyes don’t just have one perfect eye makeup look…they have dozens! So, truly, when you figure out what enhances those brown eyes, the rest is pure fun!
- What hue are your brown eyes? – To find what makeup look works best, we’ve got to figure out what shade of brown eyes you have. A good rule of thumb is that whatever your shade of eye (deep, medium, light), your best colors are usually found on the same level of colors. For instance, deep brown eyes usually look best with darker shadows, and can withstand darker liner…and so on.
- What shape are your brown eyes? – For the purposes of eye shadow application techniques, you will need to do some research on the shape of your eyes. Are they small, large, protruding, almond, hooded, wide set, close set? Once you find the shape, you will find the application technique that best enhances them.
- Don’t skip the basics – What are the basics? Primer and under-eye concealer, to be precise. Before any eye makeup look, on any eye color, you need to make sure that there’s a clean canvas. Primer ensures your shadow and liner stays put (or else why put it on in the first place?), and concealer eliminates any darkness or unevenness that may distract from your lovely eyes.
- Find your best colors – Each brown eye hue has a corresponding set of optimal colors that will help create the perfect eye makeup look for you. Dark brown – forest greens, dark grays, deep plums. Medium brown – purples, greens, coppers. Light brown – neutrals, golds, vibrant greens.
- Liner – Depending on the shape and shade of your eyes, as well as the eye look you are aiming for, there are a plethora of eyeliner colors and techniques you can employ! Just remember to stick with the colors levels that correspond to your eye shade (for instance, the lighter your eye color, the more you will need to avoid black liner). And don’t be afraid to add color with the liner: a plum or vibrant purple, a navy or bright blue.
- When in doubt, go for smokey! – It’s hard to beat a smokey eye, no matter what your eye color. Brown eyed beauties like Keira Knightly, Natalie Portman, and Kim Kardashian all love to rock a smokey look. Following the guidelines from steps 1-4 above, you should be able to create a smokey eye that you can turn to time and time again.
- Brows are crucial – Nothing ruins a beautiful eye look faster than a messy brow. Detect your perfect eyebrow shape, trim and groom them, define the arch. If your eyebrows are naturally light, they may tend to wash out your look. So, invest in an eyebrow tinting kit. Darkening by even one or two shades will make a huge difference to for your perfect eye makeup look, and your whole face, in general.
- Mascara is a must – You can’t have a perfect eye look without mascara of some sort. If your lashes are naturally light, consider sticking to a dark brown mascara (instead of black). And even if you don’t think it will make a difference, curl your lashes first! What good is knowing how to curl your eyelashes, if you don’t take a moment to do it? It will open up the look of your eyes like you won’t believe!
- A finishing touch of highlighter – No eye makeup is complete without highlighter. Sweep a light shimmering cream or pink color under your brow and in your tear duct to finish your look.
So, you have brown eyes, do you? You’ve got the best of the best, kid. The only eye color with no contrasting or complimentary eye color on the color wheel, as a brown-eyed baby, you can practically wear any color! Your perfect eye makeup is pretty much all of them…so get out there and flaunt it!
As women, we like choices (we pretty much demand them). And in terms of makeup choices, there are literally thousands of makeup products on the market. One of the most popular today is cream eyeshadow. I’m sure you’re more than familiar with its predecessor, powder eyeshadow, and cream shadow is not meant as a replacement for it. But they are obviously very different formulations, and best suited for different individuals and occasions. So what is it and how is it different?
Not only is cream shadow obviously a different formulation from powder eye shadow, it is more versatile. Cream shadow can actually sometimes double as a shadow base or lid primer, as long as you check the label (it will specify use as a base). This is perfect, especially if you are attempting makeup for hooded eyes. Since the hooded eye has a slight overlap of skin onto the lid, ordinary powder shadow and regular kohl liner can often be rubbed off within a matter of minutes after applying. Talk about frustrating! The best way to utilize cream shadow as a base is to pick a color complimentary to the powder shade you will be using. For instance, if you’re going for a simple smokey eye in browns, start with a shimmery taupe cream eye shadow (some excellent picks would be Clinique Touch Base for Eyes in Uplighting, Make Up For Ever Aqua Cream in 15 Taupe, and Maybelline Eye Studio Color Tattoo in Tough as Taupe. But if you really want to pop your eyeshadow color, choose a white cream base for the lid. Any color will look bold and vibrant over that.
Cream shadows also come in very matte colors that mimic various skin tones (such as Laura Mercier Eye Canvas, Lancome Aquatique Waterproof Eyecolour Base, and L’Oreal Magic De-Crease Eyelid Primer). Such creams are mainly used as eyelid “primers,” which act to smooth out the eye area, and provide an even canvas on which to create your eye makeup masterpiece. These matte skin tone finishes can be used to anchor any color powder eyeshadow to make the powder shadow “read true,” as opposed to the bolder or vibrant examples with colored primer bases above.
Cream eye shadow in a darker color can also be used alone to create wonderful smokey eye looks. They are easy to blend, easy to drag down under the lower lash line, and easy to smudge, for the ultimate in smoked-out sexiness. And as long as the formulation is long-wear, your smoky eye should last all night!
Powder eye shadow, on the other hand, is like a comfy pair of jeans. The ones you could never do without. You know just how they will fit, and just how to work them. You also know their limitations. Matte, shimmer, glitter, holographic, baked, loose, and pigment…powder eye shadow has come a long way, in the past 10 years alone. But basically, it is what it is. You know how you can use it, and you also know how long it usually lasts on your lids (All through the work day? What about a humid summer afternoon? A party night of dancing?). So yes, powder shadow, when worn alone, does have its limits. But one thing powder shadow can do is double as some of the best brow powder around! MAC shadows, in particular, have dozens of suitable “brow shades” of eye shadow (such as MAC Charcoal Brown, MAC Omega, and MAC Brun).
Basically, what you’ll find is that it’s impossible to say that one is better than the other when comparing powder to cream eye shadow. They are both amazing and useful in their own ways. And when used together…they create an unstoppable, unyielding, undeniable eye makeup tour de force! In the end, you’re the one who wins, since you get to use them both!