13 Comfortable, Spacious Heels to Add to Your Closet

If you feel your size is on the broader side, don’t panic—Dr. Phillips notes that genetics is the most likely culprit. “If that was the case for your mom or grandma, you may too,” she offers. But wide sizes aren’t just for women who need an extended fit, because they can tend to a host of other podiatric problems—even narrow feet with low arches can benefit from a more spacious heel. If you’re experiencing a lot of irritation or friction, you may need a heel that leaves a bit more breathing room.

“Wearing a shoe that is too narrow can lead to discomfort, irritation…” warns Dr. Phillips. Friction on the foot is not your friend,” she states. “Wearing the proper width can help a patient avoid [a myriad of issues].” If you’re diabetic, this is especially crucial.

However, you should always consult a podiatrist before diagnosing yourself or making drastic changes. “Wearing a shoe that is too wide can cause problems too,” says Phillips.

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