Let them eat cake! (You’ll switch it up to something a little more nourishing, thanks…) This Monday, February 18, pass the birthday baton to Pisces as the Sun shifts into your “back into business” second house. You no doubt collected some memorable moments over the past four weeks—and you have the unpublished photos to prove it. But as your pragmatic side kicks into gear, you’ll be asking yourself, what’s next? You’ll be craving stability and structure once again, especially if your wallet took a hit since January 20. Between now and March 20, you might even figure out ways to monetize a few of those wild hares you dreamed up during birthday season. Could a side hustle be brewing, Aquarius? Crunch the numbers and figure out how profitable your scheme might be. For Water Bearers who are gainfully employed, now’s the time to show the boss your full dedication, especially if you want to KEEP that job. But if you’ve got your eye on the exit ramp, use Pisces season to polish up your resume, circulate on networking sites and at in-the-flesh industry events. Let friends know that you’re looking but be somewhat discreet. You don’t want your search to put your bread and butter gig in jeopardy.
Also on Monday, Chiron, the “wounded healer” comet, shifts gears, moving into Aries and your third house of communication and cooperation for an alchemizing, eight-year tour. Chiron orbits between your two galactic guardians, structure-obsessed Saturn and free-wheeling Uranus, so his paradoxical struggles tend to mirror your own. Half of you wants to keep everything open-ended and loose; another half knows that leaping without a net could lead to your demise. That push-pull energy will now find its way to your social life. Who are these people you call your friends, Aquarius? Yes, we know you have “instant karma” with everyone from the subway station busker to your afternoon Pilates instructor, but take it deeper, k? It may be time to create stricter entry requirements to your inner circle—or, if you’ve been a tad TOO insular, start searching for kindred spirits who will not only embrace your quirks but will also hold you accountable to being your healthiest, highest self. Where you’ve been struggling in your life (or just plain bored), you could find relief by partnering up. Maybe it’s time to turn that solo show into a joint venture, Aquarius! But this will only work if you choose well, picking someone who can complement your intellect and idealism with a high emotional IQ.
Tuesday’s full moon in Virgo fires up your eighth house of emotions and intimacy, bringing the word “permabonding” to mind. Go on, Aquarius, move in just a little closer—no one’s going to snatch your soul. Quite the contrary! Whether this is a love connection or a just a budding business partner, you’ll feel ready to make a deeper commitment. Your next step could be something as minor-seeming as sharing office space or car-pooling to work, to something far more serious—like merging bank accounts, moving in together or finally putting a ring on it (yes, the proposal you thought was coming on Valentine’s Day). This full moon could also bring a sultry revelation, as the eighth house rules all things erotic. Don’t keep your seductive powers on the DL. Share them—passionately—with someone who appreciates them. If your mojo’s been in slow-mo, it could get a lunar boost. Do little things to keep the juices flowing. Book a massage, refresh your lingerie drawer, take a dance-y cardio class. Moving your body through any form of exercise is the best way to rouse your slumbering libido and ignite your lit-from-within glow. Who knows? You might wind up exchanging digits with someone in your spin class this week. A big money opportunity could come to fruition, too, or this full moon may bring a lump sum of cash like an inheritance, commission or tax return. How’s that for an incentive to get those filings done early?