August Snapshot
After a string of life-changing eclipses over the past two months, you may be wondering when (or if) you’ll get your groove back. Everything from your career to your home to your communication style has experienced upheaval—and there were moments when you simply didn’t have the strength to deal.
Great news: August comes bearing welcome gifts to dynamic Aries—in the form of lasting boosts to your energy, creativity and personal magnetism.
August’s big challenge? Hot summer tempers could flare to a breaking point, just when all eyes are trained on you. The frenetic drive to “get ‘er done” could turn you into a bulldozer, especially with rash Mars in your sign tensely squared off against three celestial powerhouses: outspoken Jupiter, power-tripping Pluto and taskmaster Saturn. Plan to take lots of deep breaths—and think twice before you make any sudden moves.
Week 1: August 1-9
Look before you leap—and treat your people right
Feeling more like your badass self again, Aries? With your fiery ruler, motivating Mars, hunkered in your sign since June 27, your energy levels have been steadily rising. Usually, active Mars only lingers in any sign for about a month and a half, but a fall retrograde means the red planet will power up your mojo until January 6, 2021.
You’ll be fired up—and wired up—to pursue one of your long-simmering passion projects. Go forth and turn heads! Amplify your online presence and gain some welcome attention.
Meanwhile, the Sun adds an extra boost by blazing away in fellow fire sign Leo until August 22, activating your romantic, creative and fun-loving fifth house. Harness that solar-powered energy to brighten up these tough times.
During Leo season, you may realize all that extra time spent indoors has brought you closer to a special someone. It could be a lover, a creative partner or a child. Express your heartfelt appreciation!
Lovely as that may have been, you’re not typically a stay-at-home person, and the first week of August should find you raring to get back out there. Ready to reconnect with friends and like-minded idealists? The August 3 Aquarius full moon ignites collaborations as it beams into your eleventh house of groups and technology. Your restless, Type-A self is SO ready to push for results. At last, these moonbeams can help you assemble the dream team you need to pull off your grand vision.
So where will you focus, Aries? Perhaps it’s a project you started back near the January 24 Aquarius new moon. The eleventh house also rules social justice, so if you’ve been involved in summer’s activism, this full moon could reveal the fruits of a world-bettering endeavor.
But it won’t be easy to hold your fire. That antsy Aquarius full moon is sitting in a harsh square to erratic Uranus, pushing you in the direction of rash moves. Take care. With Uranus in Taurus and your second house of work, money and stability, a sudden misstep could hit you where it really hurts: your personal financial security.
Fortunately, there’s a saving grace in expansive Jupiter’s influence this week. Even though the optimistic planet will get T-boned by hotheaded Mars on Tuesday, August 4 (careful!), Jupiter’s in methodical Capricorn and your tenth house of leadership. This grounding influence will help you channel all that urgent energy into one final, intense round of “checks and balances” to ensure every detail is perfect before you launch.
So if you find yourself dying to throw your hat into the ring, tell someone off or wage a Twitter war, think twice. Your actions will be seen, heard—and (glug) possibly recorded. Don’t do anything that you wouldn’t want surfacing on social media (or weighing down your conscience).
Yes, you want to finish what you started. And yes, it IS important. Just wait another week or so before you push yourself or anyone else too hard.
Week 2: August 10-16
Boiling over—and simmering down
Given all the restrictions of the past few months, coupled with a constant stream of not-so-good news, it makes sense that you’ve repressed some emotions. With so many needs and desires put on hold and your support posse mostly at a distance, you’ve come very close to boiling without realizing it.
On Thursday, August 13, the pressure to cut loose becomes unbearable as warrior Mars in bold Aries squares off against powermonger Pluto in your work sector. Professional demands or tension with an authority figure could leave you feeling caged and controlled. A power-tripping colleague might just push you to the brink of acting out in anger.
Get ahold of yourself before you snap! Keep some healthy outlets in mind for your rage and fear. Scream into a pillow if you need to—or punch it. Go for a run or a workout. And if you just can’t resist the overpowering urge to clear the air? Go through the proper channels, like a supervisor or HR. The key is to avoid burning bridges or doing permanent damage to anyone’s reputation, especially your own.
Fortunately, August 15 brings some relief—or at least the promise of cooler heads—as impulsive Uranus starts its annual five-month retrograde in Taurus, backing through your second house of work and money. Focus on small changes rather than sweeping transformations. How can you stabilize your finances for the next month? Trim your budget for Q4? You may revisit an old line of work or take on a freelance project doing something familiar, even if it’s not the most glamorous gig. Steady and secure suddenly looks pretty darn appealing.
Week 3: August 17-23
Have fun and get organized!
On Tuesday, August 18, the Leo new moon in your playful, romantic fifth house flings open your heart and ushers in a tidal wave of passion. Ah, that’s more like it!
Need to express yourself? The Leo new moon hands you the mic. When you’re ready to speak, you’ll find your voice is powerful again. Make a conscious effort to connect to people through your heart rather than your intellect. (Aries rules the head, and you can spend a bit too much time in yours.) Brave Leo gives you the courage to voice what’s authentic for YOU, whether or not others reciprocate the feelings. What starts at the new moon will unfold over the next six months, so create intentions for love, courage and joy—and let the universe bring it!
The Sun settles into Virgo on August 22, where it will reside in your sensible and organized sixth house for the next month. Streamline your systems and implement time-saving tactics. The sixth house rules wellness, so after a decadent Leo season, you’re ready to bring some healthy habits back. Take your adventures outdoors. Pack your laptop and go work out in nature. Virgo season is a great time for thinking critically and gathering your thoughts before speaking. Fresh air, fresh mind!
Week 4: August 24-31
Two steps forward —one step back?
Monday, August 24, sees your ruler, fiery Mars, making the last of three tough squares, this time working out its differences with cautious Saturn in Capricorn. With driven Mars in Aries lighting your fire, you’re motivated to accomplish a lot, especially at work. But this week’s speed-checking clash with restrictive Saturn in your process-driven tenth house could slow your roll. It may feel a bit like driving with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake.
Are you hitting a ridiculous amount of red tape and bureaucracy as you try to push your plans through? The Virgo Sun in your meticulous sixth house can help you roll up your sleeves and do all that boring (but necessary) administrative work. Embrace the planning process instead of resisting it.
And if you need to think outside the box? Tuesday, August 25, brings a welcome trine between communicator Mercury and master of surprise, Uranus, sharpening your mind and offering inspired workarounds that could move you to the front of the line.
You’re on fire this month, Ram, and you can thank your own planetary protector, sizzling Mars, which is spending the rest of the year in your sign and self-authorized first house. The question to ask any time you’re in doubt is: Will this make me happy and not harm anyone else?
The red-hot planet first entered Aries on June 27 and will stick around until January 6 (because of a retrograde from September 9 through November 13). Singles will be thrilled to get back in the game—to whatever degree you’re comfortable—flirting, attracting, magnetizing and just letting yourself feel unabashedly passionate again.
The yellow cautionary flag is that you could come on a bit strong with feisty Mars leading the charge. Check in with yourself AND take a read of the room to ensure you’re not overwhelming people or making them feel pushed or rushed. Couples may crave more solo time for personal adventures or just “permission” to flirt without anyone getting upset or jealous. As a forthright Ram, you need to get honest about your needs. You like to feel desired and sexy and have the freedom to do the things that make you feel that way.
After four months in Gemini and your mental third house, amorous Venus moves into a far more heart-centered place—Cancer and your sentimental fourth house—on August 7. You’ve been talking and thinking about love since the pandemic struck (and for some folks, a LOT longer than that). You can thank your lucky star that it’s finally time for some action—and affection!
Cancer rules your home and family sector, and Venus nesting here until September 6, you’ll want to build and strengthen bonds and connect from the heart. It’s a great time to zhush your home, talk about family plans and see relatives you haven’t visited in months.
Key Dates:
August 27: Venus-Neptune trine
With love planet Venus sweetly synced up with fantasy-fueled Neptune, let yourself slip into a reverie about your S.O. or ideal mate. This is hardly a waste of time or energy: The stronger you can feel the emotion of your desires, the more likely you are to manifest exactly what your heart is dreaming of.
August finds you raring to go—but pent-up emotions could cause clashes you’ll regret. Manage your reactions and proceed with caution. Things will get increasingly better as the month progresses.
The August 3 Aquarius full moon is a great day to complete or launch a team project or to collaborate with people who can take your talents out into the wider world. Spruce up your social media profiles and polish your online presence.
On August 15, destabilizing Uranus backtracks in Taurus and your money zone until January 14. Be more careful with your cash. Pick up a freelance gig if steady work doesn’t come right away. Try an app-based money manager like YNAB (You Need A Budget).
You’ll get more organized after August 22, when the Sun moves into Virgo and your systematic sixth house. Handle all those loose ends that piled up over the summer and you’ll feel so much lighter!
Key Dates:
August 1: Mercury-Pluto opposition
Your best strategy at work: Keep a low profile and don’t rock the boat. With manipulative Pluto yanking on the messenger planet’s strings, you can expect power struggles and sketchy dealings, which are the last things you want to get entangled in! Resist the triggers.
Love Days: 18, 22
Money Days: 11, 28
Luck Days: 8, 26
Off Days: 20, 24, 5
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