Feeling a little cooped up, Capricorn? This Monday, February 18, the Pisces Sun frees you from your self-imposed isolation when it beams into your outgoing, exploratory third house for a month. Though your social butterfly wings will be fluttering at a faster BPM, no need to stray TOO far from the cocoon. The third house governs local activity. Between now and March 20, make it your mission to try out new venues in your area. From yoga studios to noodle houses, you could quickly earn “mayor” status and expand your social circle. (Which is right in sync with the neighborly vibes of the Year of the Earth Pig!) Once you’ve done the rounds, take it upon yourself to play social director for your squad. From town hall lectures to sound baths to live music at underground clubs, you’ll blast through the last four weeks of winter in no time. Is your area an artistic desert? Maybe it’s time to adopt a sister city, Capricorn. Get creative! If you don’t have funds for a pied-a-terre, maybe you could arrange a monthly apartment swap with a friend or get pre-qualified on sites like TrustedPetsitter.com and barter chicken-feeding for a roof over your head in a happening metropolis. If you’ve been thinking about upgrading your car or mobile devices, get to it now—before Mercury turns retrograde on March 5. With your communication sector lit, record a podcast, write up some blog posts or find a way to get your message to the masses—perhaps with the help of a dynamic partner-in-crime.
Does home feel as sweet as it could be? Starting this Monday, your domestic life comes under the crosshairs of Chiron, the comet astrologers call “the wounded healer.” Until April 14, 2027, Chiron will lend its therapeutic beams to Aries, the ruler of your fourth house of family and roots. Brace yourself, because buried childhood issues will surface, begging to be processed. While you’d prefer to just put your head down and focus on work, that’s not going to be possible now—and this is a hidden blessing. Dealing with this will lighten your load and improve your health. It will teach you to be a better “parent” to yourself, especially if you’re the type of Capricorn who puts self-care far down on the priority list. If you’ve been pondering parenthood yourself, Chiron can help bring clarity about best choices. During this cycle, pain or grief surrounding the women in your family, like mothers, daughters or inner circle female friends, could also arise for healing. Inconvenient? You bet. Transformational? Oh, yes. As you do this introspective work, you may dramatically change your living space (or even relocate) as a reflection of your inner shifts. But no matter where you lay your head each night, Chiron’s tour of Aries will teach you to feel “at home” in any situation with the life-changing magic of learning to love yourself.
Tuesday’s full supermoon in Virgo ushers in a major moment of truth. You just can’t ignore that inner knowing, even if you’ve rationalized the situation from a hundred different angles. Stop justifying and just tune in. What is your intuition trying to scream at you? Once you hear it (and you will), don’t waste time trying to explain yourself or convince others to see things your way. If this vision resonates deeply for YOU, then you owe it to yourself to follow up on it with action—or at least a fact-finding inquiry. Get ready! Your investigation will lead you on an unconventional journey, and we wouldn’t be surprised to find out that you’ve booked a trip to a sacred vortex like Peru or Kauai or signed up for a spiritually enriching workshop…or both! Since the ninth house rules cross-cultural connections, mingle multiculturally, no matter your GPS coordinates. You could form an important alliance within two weeks of the full moon. A long-distance opportunity may also land in your lap. It’s 2019, Capricorn, and geography doesn’t have to be a barrier to business partnerships. Get that Zoom account set up, because you may soon be hosting intercontinental conference calls. Cast a wider net!