March 2, 2019
Drown out distractions and get into the creative groove on Saturday morning, as the moon lights up your mystical, metamorphic eighth house. A little time to connect with the muse will refuel your tanks and leave you feeling seriously inspired. By the time the afternoon rolls around, you’ll be ready to abandon the “me time” for some “we time.” Connect with your most adventurous friends later in the day, as la luna moves into Aquarius and your expansive, outgoing ninth house. Bonus if getting together with them also means getting out of town! On Sunday, prepare for some eye-opening news. Was a project pushed to a premature conclusion? If corners were cut to speed up the process, get ready to play catch up. The situation can be fixed, and it may require you to dig in and do a little extra work. Set aside a few hours to troubleshoot and get things back on track, scheduling a strategizing meeting for next week. All hands on deck!