February 23, 2019
Pull up your favorite recipes and pour a glass of wine. It’s a home-cooking—and home-fires-burning—kind of weekend! With a bliss-seeking Scorpio moon in your foundational fourth house all weekend, you may never step outside your front door! Nor are you likely to develop a case of FOMO for all those invites you deleted in a fit of domesticity. Cue up a chill playlist and get a soup simmering, roast a round of root veggies, then pick a few top household projects you’d like to X off your to-do list for once and for all. But handle it all with an ease and grace that will make you feel like this is the greatest possible luxury instead of obligatory drudge work. Got a plus-one who might enjoy sharing the load? Make the call early! On Sunday, you can knock even more chores off the list if you screen out distractions and come up with a reward if you get it all done. As la luna syncs up with first structured Saturn and then penetrating Pluto in your efficiency zone, you’ll be one laser-focused Lion!