Happy birthday season to YOU, Pisces! The Sun is in your sign for its annual visit until March 20, giving you an early spring awakening. It’s been a fairly productive winter for you, one that (for once) has passed pretty quickly. Still, you’re ready to come out of hibernation and make things happen. With expansive Jupiter spending the year in your ambitious tenth house, your mind is on some lofty #goals. You’re eager for the buzz of spring to wake everyone else up to join the Pisces party!
It could happen sooner than you think: On March 6, your “personal new year” arrives, as the Pisces new moon catalyzes your most cherished projects and plans. Carve out time to write down your intentions. New moons set off six-month cycles that culminate at the corresponding full moon. Where would you like to be by the September 14 Pisces full moon? Whether it’s a solo project, a dream vacation or a bucket-list achievement, these magical moonbeams will catapult you in that direction.
But be careful not to misfire or aim at the wrong target. From March 5 to 28, you’ll have to work around Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, which is retrograde in YOUR sign. (Womp wommmmmp.) Your inspired diatribes could come across as tone-deaf, or you could feel wildly misunderstood at every turn. While you’re eager to launch, you might be better off tweaking and testing than forcing things out of the gate prematurely. Think twice before making any major changes to your image now, too. With Mercury awry in your first house of appearances, you’re liable to regret that pixie cut or nonreturnable couture splurge. Back up your electronic devices, especially your photos, and delete any incriminating texts and emails, ’cause you never know.
Communication is a central theme of this month, and you can expect conversations to be charged with excitement and ideas. With motivator Mars in Taurus and your expressive third house until March 31, you’re pumped to socialize and connect with kindred spirits. Careful, though: Mars can make you a tad argumentative, and with Mercury retrograde, playful verbal sparring could turn into an epic blowout. When in doubt, don’t go there!
The headline news arrives on March 6—astride the Pisces new moon—when irreverent Uranus starts a seven-year journey through Taurus, electrifying your third house of interpersonal affairs, local action and ideas until April 2026. Does Mayor Pisces have a ring to it? No? Sit tight…because it very well could. Rabble-rouser Uranus was here briefly from May 15 to November 6, 2018, giving you a short preview. Now, as the side-spinning planet settles in, you could become quite the iconoclast through writing, teaching or a media project. You might just make a name for yourself in the community, spreading unorthodox ideas or forming a cutting-edge collaboration with local leaders.
Bored? Not for long. Energizer Mars and unpredictable Uranus could bring a barrage of invitations to live shows, new restaurants or outdoorsy day trips. With athletic Mars transiting Taurus, you might just be the first person to take your bike, skates or running gear out of winter storage. Before you can say “spring equinox,” you’re convincing your friends it’s warm enough for a picnic or a mud-spattered hike. If you’re hoping to get a spring fitness plan underway, load up your phone with inspiring playlists and podcasts or grab your friends and combine fitness with socializing.
Either way, you’ll be glad to see Uranus leave Aries, where it’s been a fluctuating force in your financial sector since March 2011. If you’ve found it hard to lock down a stable source of income or settle into a career groove, that should get easier now. When Uranus departs Aries, it won’t return again in this lifetime (until next century). Now, you can take one of your trailblazing ideas and monetize it—or you might just find it easier to stick with priorities and a clear career path. Budgeting, scheduling and following a routine will be less disrupted by Uranus’ sudden curveballs.
Brush away the birthday cake crumbs: On March 20, the Sun leaves your sign and moves into Aries, heating up your practical and productive second house. It’s time to take some of those starry-eyed wishes and start building them into tangible form! If you’ve been partying like a Pisces rock star, you’ll get back to business (and basics) as Aries season sounds the call for a thorough spring cleanup.
March 20 also brings the first of two back-to-back full moons in Libra and your insightful eighth house of merging, intimacy and joint ventures. This one, a potent supermoon, could bring an important relationship or financial matter to a turning point. Is it time to make things uber-official or to consummate your smoldering chemistry with someone? A palpable connection could be impossible to resist. This full moon can also bring news of an engagement, pregnancy or financial windfall.
And because it lands in your eighth house of property, a legal or real estate matter could reach a peak. But before you sign contracts or ink your name on anything, try to wait out the Mercury retrograde cycle that ends on March 28. Good news: Since a second Libra full moon arrives on April 19, you have another month to think it all through.
As if that wasn’t enough, March 20 also brings a galvanizing trine between assertive Mars and penetrating Pluto in the “people” houses of your chart. This powder-keg combo gives you irresistible magnetism and powers of persuasion. You might add a couple power players to your dream team today or have a conversation that leads to a game-changing collaboration. Look around: Are you spending time with people who are up to big things—or wasting your hours with the riffraff? Fun as the latter crew might be to meet for a beer and blow off steam, this Mars-Pluto mashup reminds you to stock your squad with movers and shakers, stat!
Your fantasy life will go through the roof this month as romantic Venus swan-dives into Aquarius and your rosy-hued twelfth house from March 1 to 26. It’ll be easy—and oh-so enjoyable—to get swept up in a haze with someone new or not-so new. Reality check, what’s that? Just be careful that you don’t fall for a slick salesperson or someone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart.
Meanwhile, you might not recognize “commitment” if it knocked on your front door. With passionate Mars in sensual Taurus and your “playing the field” third house, you’re more interested in the buffet table than single-entree menu items. It’s not that you’re trying to string anyone along; it’s just that too much closeness makes you feel indecisive and like you’re suffocating. Between the antsy energy of Mars and the occasional Venus pity party, you could be sending out some mixed messages.
Tension might hit a fever pitch when the love planets lock into a heated square on March 21, pulling you in opposing directions. It’s never wise to make a decision under duress, so do your Piscean best to stall. And in the meantime, talk with a wise confidante to gain some clarity about your true desires!
The pressure should lift when Venus enters your sign on March 26, forming a more agreeable angle with feisty Mars. Well, for a week—on March 31, the red planet blasts into Gemini and your domestic quarters, stirring the pot with strong demands—which in the sign of the Twins, could change on a dime!
Key Dates:
March 1: Venus-Uranus square
Under this “anything goes” mashup of the love planet and liberated Uranus in your social sectors, you’ll be in the mood to flirt, hook up and explore all options. While almost anyone may seem like fair game, be discerning. It’s easier to get into than out of certain entanglements. Coupled up? To avoid squabbling about petty stuff, cut each other some slack and hang with your separate friend groups.
Ready, aim…fire again? Normally, March is your month to hit the bull’s-eye—and you could certainly drop some greatest hits this year. It’s Pisces season until March 20, and you’re feeling in your element. And with the March 6 Pisces new moon igniting your confidence, you’re even more excited for a fresh start or to get experimental. This annual new moon is like your personal new year, setting off a fresh six-month cycle around your personal passions and ambitions.
The plot twist? Mercury, the planet of communication, travel and technology, is retrograde (backward) in Pisces from March 5 to 28. Your outspoken comments and starry-eyed ideas might be totally misread or overlooked. Don’t get discouraged! This is a great time to review and reassess. You might go back to the drawing board or wait until April to unveil any grand plans or new campaigns.
With innovator Uranus beginning a seven-year journey through Taurus and your communication house on March 6—and aggro Mars here until March 31—it will be hard to bite your tongue. Instead of spilling the tea too soon, capture all your ideas in a Notes app. Play around with drafts for a blog, podcast or savvy marketing idea. How can you monetize it? Get strategic!
The March 20 Libra full supermoon illuminates your eighth house of investments and passive income. Are your finances working as hard as you are? Look for ways you can pool resources to save money, and research ways to make your cash accomplish more. Meet with a money mentor, get into “robo investing,” or roll over your existing 401(k) for better returns. Seemingly small shifts will seriously bulk up your bank account over time!
Key Dates:
March 13: Sun-Jupiter square
Don’t focus on the obstacles, Pisces: Only see the finish line! Today, the confident Sun in your sign mashes up with expansive Jupiter, your co-ruler. It’s only natural to have a little anxiety about something you’ve never done before, but there’s a first time for everything! People are rooting for you, so lean in to their support and just take the plunge. You’ll be proud of your audacity—and amazed by what you just did.
Love Days: 15, 19
Money Days: 26, 8
Luck Days: 23, 6
Off Days: 17, 21