What you do for a living and your whole approach to saving and investing could be in for a radical redo this week! On Wednesday, February 13, motivated Mars meets up with transformational Uranus in Aries and your financial zone, shaking up the status quo in a revolutionary way. While these two titans align once every other year, they won’t merge in this realm again for another 80 years, so yes, Pisces, that loud rapping you hear is opportunity knocking! This isn’t just about making more money—it’s about finding a way to monetize your passions so that you never “work” another day in your life. Some Fish will read these words and instantly know what their true path is. Lucky ones will even have a business partner or investor in mind (or have the funds to launch this). If that’s you, strike while this Mars-Uranus iron is smoking-hot! If this sounds wonderful but you haven’t a clue where to start, just think—er, feel—about the things you’d love to do every day of the week. You might need to talk to a business-minded friend or coach to help you figure out which of your many gifts people would be willing to pay to enjoy and benefit from. Explore every appealing option—from running an Airbnb to event planning for charities—and you might wind up with a list the length of your arm. Try keeping a diary of how you spend your time, both at work and in your personal pursuits. You might discover your true calling simply by seeing an entry that appears on a frequent basis. Even if this doesn’t become full-time (or profitable) out of the gate, stay with it, and see what it can grow into.
You might get started on your new mission the very next day as Thursday’s stars are all about walking your talk (and also talking it!). Go-getter Mars leaves your fiscal zone and marches into grounded Taurus and your third house of communication and local action until March 31. Suddenly your reserved sign is eager to share your ideas and brainstorm ways to get them off the ground. Over the next six weeks, reach out to friends you’ve lost touch with or former colleagues or neighbors. You can’t predict who you’ll have synergy with, so leave any limiting assumptions at the door. Stay open to unexpected meetings—this is where the magic happens! Just one thing to stay mindful of: Intensifier Mars can make you come off more forcefully than you realize, so think before you speak—and choose your words very carefully.
Thursday, of course, is also Valentine’s Day, and with Venus AND Mars in your social sectors, you probably won’t be spending the night alone in your Fish tank. Whether you’re in a LTR, newly dating or footloose and fancy-free, plan to surround yourself with your favorite (upbeat) people! A double date or a full house will make things all the more fun and festive. (There’ll be plenty of time for a private party before the night is through.) If you are single, take another look at your friend circle—and consider their plus-ones. With this placement of Venus and Mars, it’s entirely possible you’ve already met your next great love!