Thou giveth fever, Scorpio—that’s never been in question. But are you directing those powerful beams towards the right source? Be mindful of who gets caught in your web near Tuesday, April 2, as sweet-seducer Neptune draws flirty Mercury close. For the third (and final) time since February 19, the two planets will meet at the same degree of Pisces and activate your fifth house or romance, fame and creative expression. (Their second meetup just happened on March 24, while Mercury was retrograde). In many ways, this planetary pairing can be a dynamic duo. Your imagination might be off the chain near Tuesday as limitless Neptune evaporates any creative blocks. Wear that canary-yellow cardigan with the statement sleeves or the 70s disco-era jumpsuit—and please don’t forget to snap some well-lit self-portraits! And sure, let yourself get swept up in passionate discussions about art and music. Just be aware of your influence, Scorpio. You’ll charm, dazzle and magnetize, so make sure you’re steering people in YOUR desired direction. Send them to your Instagram feed to find out more about enchantingly mysterious you. If there’s a business idea brewing, don’t give away too many trade secrets. Instead, respect the worth of your “intellectual property” and set up a conference call to discuss things further, when you can come prepared with a proper pitch. Romantically, the Mercury-Neptune merger can be a bit befuddling. You don’t get a clear read on people’s interest—nor will you be Captain Obvious yourself. A certain amount of ambiguity is part of your seductive charm, but at the end of the day, you are someone who needs certainty in order to move ahead. Don’t leave genuine attractions in the unspoken realm for too long. Tuesday’s boundary-loosening (Neptune) and communicative (Mercury) skies could provide the ideal window for a heart-to-heart talk.
On Friday, 2019’s only new moon in Aries launches your spring training into gear. With this lunar lift in the sign of the daredevil Ram, you may feel like leveling up your workout to something that challenges you to move your body in a new way. Download fitspo and survey friends on their current favorite modalities. Put some gym dates on the books with your disciplined friends, or tag along to their aerial yoga or Peloton classes. You could discover a new obsession. If work’s been ho-hum, shake up your routines. Try relocating your desk to a different part of the office or setting up a break time that reminds you to get up and stretch regularly. Circulate your resume and online profiles if you’re looking for new work or sign up for a specialized training that can bump you into a higher pay grade. Little steps that you take to organize and systematize could pay off big time when the corresponding full moon rolls in on October 13.