Who Is Echo? Hawkeye’s Latest Villain Is Getting Her Own Show Too.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is just getting bigger and bigger. Not only are there TV shows, but countless new characters are also getting their chance to shine. No shade to the OGs—Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America—but is anyone else tired of seeing those same white men beating bad guys film after film?

That’s why I (and honestly, everyone else) should be excited over Maya Lopez, aka Echo. A Native American deaf superhero, Echo’s powers consist of mimicking the fighting styles of her opponents—100-percent badass if I do say so myself. Variety reported in March 2021 that the character would get her own Marvel TV series, and in November, Disney+ confirmed the show is “coming soon.” While we wait, we’ve gathered what we know so far about the upcoming release.

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Who is Echo?

Echo, played by Alaqua Cox, made her character debut in Hawkeye’s latest episode where it was revealed that she’s the mastermind behind Tracksuit Mafia, the criminal organization that kidnapped Clint and Kate.

Now, I know hyping up villains is not our forte (aside from Loki), but Echo’s situation is a bit different. She’s not a villain; she’s a hero doing villainous things i.e., finding the man who killed her father (hint: it’s Clint, guys!). In the comics, the pair do reconcile, and Echo forgoes her villainous ways and becomes a part of the Avengers.

We’re not sure if Hawkeye will give Echo her redemption story, but no worries if not. With writers and producers attached to her show already, it’s nearly confirmed we’re going to see more of our favorite villain-turned-hero.

When will Echo’s TV show debut?

Considering the writers’ room for the Hawkeye spin-off was just formed, it may take a while for the show to get the foot off the ground.

What will the show be about?

If Disney+ follows along with the comics (as it’s been doing so far withHawkeye), we can expect to see Echo on her redemption journey from criminal to superhero. However, we may be getting a sneak peek of heroism in Hawkeye, especially considering there are three more episodes of the show. Essentially, how things end between Echo and Clint may inform her show’s storyline. Anyone else super excited to see how Hawkeye ends now?

Who else is in the Echo cast?

Aside from Cox starring in the lead role, we’re not sure who’s slated to appear in her TV show yet. But, as new information comes out, we’ll keep you updated.

alaqua cox

Cox at the Hawkeye premiere in L.A.

ROBYN BECKGetty Images

Hawkeye is Cox’s only role to date, but honestly, who could tell? She may have limited acting credits under her belt, but that has no bearing on her talent. And she’s not only the only production member who’s starting off a career with Marvel. This is also the first Marvel show for writers and executive producers Etan Cohen and Emily Cohen. Though Etan has worked on a few shows and films here and there—King of the Hill, Men in Black 3, etc.—the Hawkeye spin-off will be both his and his wife’s biggest project. The pressure is on.

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