Three Easy Ways to Make Your Lips Look Fuller

Not all of us were blessed with gorgeous, full, Angelina Jolie-esque lips… some of us have had to struggle with constantly “drawing in” an upper lip. But there just so happens to be some nifty little tricks you can use to help make your lips look fuller…and only you will ever know you needed them!

  • Exfoliate – Exfoliating is not just for your body and face. Our bodies are daily sloughing off the dull, dead skin cells for fresh, new skin cells underneath, and exfoliating aides in that. If your lips are rough, dry, or flaky, a gentle exfoliation will help to remove the dead, dry skin and soften the newer healthy skin underneath. More importantly, it will also make the lips more able to draw in necessary moisture, which in itself can help lips look fuller. Smooth lips will also not only look healthier, but will make any lip product you apply look better.

Since the skin on your lips is thinner and more delicate that that on most other parts of your body, the key to exfoliation here is to think gentle…both in what you put on your lips to exfoliate, and how you do it. A simple mixture of olive oil and sugar, applied to lips with a finger or a washcloth, will do beautifully. Rub in small circles for a minute or two on each lip, then rinse with warm water and pat dry. You can also use Vaseline on a toothbrush, applied in a similar way. Just remember to be gentle!

  • Moisturize – Our skin can temporarily absorb moisture (think how much easier body lotion goes on after a warm shower or bath), but without something to help lock it in, the moisture will evaporate throughout the day. Try to avoid those with ingredients such as lanolin and glycerine, as they can sometimes leave lips feeling “waxy,” as if the product hasn’t absorbed into your skin. Also try to avoid moisturizers with a lot of oils; a higher oil content won’t allow the product to be absorbed (think of oil and water in a bottle). When in doubt, opt for natural, like Yes to Coconuts Naturally Smooth lip balm. It’s all natural and absorbs beautifully into your lips.

After exfoliating and before you go to bed, simply smooth the moisturizer over your lips. Since you won’t be talking/eating/drinking it will give your lips the time they need to sit with the moisturizer. When you wake, you’ll be amazed at how your lips look fuller.

  • Highlight – Contouring is all the rage now, and your lips definitely need to get in on the trend… especially if you want to make your lips look fuller. A general rule of thumb to remember for make-up is that dark colors recede, or make things look smaller, and lighter colors highlight, or bring to the foreground. A bit of strategically placed highlight will make your lips look fuller and more “three dimensional.” You can use a shimmery vanilla or white colored eye shadow for this, but it works best with a highlighting pencil, like Benefit High Brow Glow.
    1. After applying your desired lip color, lightly run the highlighter over just the cupid’s bow (the center V of your top lip). Blend gently with your finger or a clean shadow brush.
    2. Apply highlighter to the center section of your bottom lip, just outside the natural lip line. Blend gently.
    3. If desired, highlight the two creases running from the bottom of your nose to your cupid’s bow. Blend gently.

Now, simply sit back and admire your perfect pout (but don’t forget to smile too…smiling always helps anyone to look beautiful)!


Sugar Lips” by Jeanny is licensed under CC BY-2.0 (source: flickr)