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Every year, dozens of “new and amazing” beauty and makeup products are introduced onto the market. And every year, more than half of them fall by the weigh-side and are forgotten in months. Depending on the money behind the launch campaigns, they may have made you believe you absolutely, positively, could not live without forking over your hard-earned money to snap up their latest and greatest product…but that doesn’t mean you’ve ever bought the product again. Thankfully though, there are many products out there worthy of purchase, over and over. These are the classics. The “Holy Grail” makeup must-haves. Maybe your Mom introduced you to a few of them. Maybe you will introduce a few to young girls in your life. Either way, we found 20 true keepers…and here are the first 5!
- CND Stickey Base Coat – Those of us who constantly have to wage the war of peeling and chipping nail polish have experimented with every way possible to keep that polish on longer. Every base coat claims to help get the job done, but only one has ever really done so. This one. The tint might not be perfect for nude and sheer colors, but for every other color, it’s a definite go-to.
- Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque – Perhaps you remember this from your Mom’s (or even your Grandma’s) bathroom cabinet? Yep, it’s been around that long. Not only is it one of the most inexpensive beauty products you could hope for, but the mint and clay help to squash oil, nix shine, and clear out pores beautifully. Best yet, your skin won’t feel overly dry afterwards.
- Crest Whitestrips – Thanks to these little miracle strips, we’ve long said goodbye to harsh and messy bleach trays, as well as super-expensive dentist whitening visits. White teeth and a smile are always your two best ways to make a lovely statement every time you walk in the room. In just 30 minutes, your pearly whites will be even whiter. Perfect.
- LORAC ‘Front of the Line PRO’ Liquid Eye Liner – It’s ok to admit it if you’re not great with applying liquid eyeliner. It takes a skilled hand and lots of practice. That’s why this product made the must-have list. Since its introduction, it’s made those classy cat eyes and winged flicks flawless for us…the perfect blend of liquid liner and controlled applicator (bye-bye thin little brush).
- Maybelline Great Lash Mascara – The green and pink bottle is downright iconic! It’s inexpensive, found in every drugstore, and gives you long, defined lashes every time. If you are partial to more voluminous lashes, you can even use this mascara in a classic runway trick: Apply one coat of mascara, then using a Q-tip or a clean mascara wand, dredge each side of the lashes with a light coating of baby powder, then apply a second coat of mascara…and voilà!
Stay tuned for more from our list of 20 Beauty and Makeup Must-Haves!
It’s easy to spend lots of money on every bag trend that comes along, trust us. But no one can possibly afford keeping up with that game. The truth is, with just 7 bags (more or less), you can be completely prepared…and completely fabulous… no matter what the occasion, or the outfit!
- The Tote – This is the carryall, and it usually comes with two straps for carrying options – shorter straps to be worn close under your arm on your shoulder, one longer strap to provide a bit more room under your arm. This classic Michael Kors will be perfect! Ideally, you would have 3 totes – one in black, one in brown, and one in a neutral nude color. But you can start with the black one…it usually goes with anything!
- Day Clutch – This clever little tool can be kept inside your larger bag. A day clutch is perfect for carrying just the essentials on those quick trips to the store or to lunch from work, when you don’t want to lug around your tote. It can also make appearances at fun weekend meetings and lunch dates.
- Metallic Evening Clutch – You know your tote won’t really go well with sequins or that fab lace crop top. You also don’t want to have to carry around all that stuff. You want to be partying it up on the dance floor, or laughing with your girls, drink in-hand. That’s where a metallic evening clutch comes in. It doesn’t necessarily need to be metallic, but do try for something fun and/or sparkly. And for even more maneuverability, opt for one with a wrist strap, like these from Coach.
- Weekend Casual Bag – This bag is somewhere in between your favorite tote carryall, and your evening clutch. It carries some of your necessities, but not the full “kit and caboodle.” The ideal weekend bag is more on the casual side, and can be worn multiple ways…crook of the arm, under the arm, cross-body. It should also be a neutral in color, so it’s sure to go with everything.
- The Cross-Body – It could be a hobo, messenger, or satchel style, but everyone needs a mid-sized bag that can be slung on cross-body to keep you hands-free while you’re on the move. Some cross-body bags can be casual, some can be dressier (often having a chain as the strap), but this clever little bag will be a lifesaver when going into big crowds.
- Classy Backpack – These aren’t the backpacks that used to crease your shoulders carrying 900 pounds of books in high school. The classy backpack is huge this Winter, and we’re loving it. Avoid those made from cloth material, to keep it from looking too casual. Instead, any leather or leather-look that you would want in a tote, you should want in your backpack. Keep it simple too…don’t choose one with too many pockets or attachments. Thin-to-medium straps are also a must…nothing too thick and bulky.
- Pop of Color Bag – This is the wildcard. This is where you can really let loose and have a bit of fun. This is the bag that will brighten up an otherwise “safe,” neutral, or monotone outfit. You can go for a bag in a bright hue (or several hues in one), maybe something with a little more in the way of zippers, buttons, chains, fringe, adornments. Just remember…think fun!
Not even the most die-hard makeup artist is completely perfect when it comes to their own makeup habits. We all get busy, forgetful, lazy. But there are some makeup missteps that could end up being detrimental to not only your makeup, but your skin. Thankfully, though, these are all easy fixes, and once you incorporate them into your routine, you’ll be back on track in no time!
- Not cleaning your brushes – Not only can this lead to bacteria growth in the brushes, but it can also end up costing a fortune! As dirt, dust, and makeup accumulate on the bristles, bacteria can thrive there too. And that same accumulation of gunk can cause the bristles of your most loved (and most expensive) brushes to break and fall out (sometimes sticking to your face during application). Yuk! Be sure to give your brushes a good cleaning with a mild cleanser every month or two.
- Blowing on your brushes – You’ve picked up a little too much product? Might as well give the brush a little blow to remove some of it, right? Wrong. Blowing on the brushes can transfer bacteria from your mouth and the air onto the bristles, which grows with each subsequent blow. Try tapping the brush on the side of the product or the edge of some other hard surface instead.
- Not washing your makeup off before bed – You’ve heard this a million times, we know. The reason you’ve heard it so much is because it’s true. Not only do your pores need to breathe, but your skin will have a harder time making room on the surface for new, pretty skin cells while the old, gunky cells are caked there. If you are really, really exhausted, using makeup wipes will do in a pinch, but you’re better off making it a practice to wash your face properly each night before bed.
- Not moisturizing before applying makeup – You might not think you need to follow this little practice, especially if your skin tends to be oily. But moisturizer has nothing to do with adding oil, and everything to do with keeping your skin hydrated. Also, skin that is not moisturized can often effect makeup application, making it look uneven and blotchy. Try adding a light daytime moisturizer with SPF to your routine before applying foundation. That way your skin stays hydrated, receives foundation more smoothly, and is protected from those harmful UVA and UVB rays.
- Using your hand to match your foundation color – Newsflash: your hand is not your face. It’s not even near your face. So why would the skin there be a good indicator of the skin on your face? The skin on our hands is exposed to sun and the elements a lot more often than that of the skin on your face, so it will almost definitely be a different color. If you’re out shopping and don’t want to mess up your makeup by swatching a new foundation across your cheek, try turning your head and applying a vertical line of foundation that is closer to your ear and one along your jawbone area. Those will give a better indication of a true match.
- Pumping your mascara – We admire your thriftiness. You want to get every last drop of that mascara out of the bottle. Or maybe you just want a little extra product on the wand. Either way, the only thing that pumping the mascara wand is doing is pushing air into the bottle…which is making the product dry up quicker. Opt for swishing the wand around the sides of the bottle instead.
- Matching your eye shadow to your outfit – Ok, so we all did this as kids. As far as we were concerned, it was a major cool thing to do. Then. But now, we know better…or, at least we should. Eye makeup, particularly shadow, is designed to make the most of your eye color. And its application is meant to make the most of your eye’s shape. So don’t cut your potential beauty short. You can Google the best eye colors/eye shadow combos, or just check out a color wheel to see what colors opposite your eye color will best make your peepers pop!