Essentials For Day to Night Fashion

During the summer months especially, having a wardrobe that you can take from daytime to nighttime is particularly important. You don’t want to have to go home and then go out with your friends because sunlight is so important. We want to enjoy as much of your summer as you can, which is difficult if you are working a traditional job that requires you to be inside most of the time.

But how can you make the most of your wardrobe if you are going to get the most out of your summer? Here are some great things to add to your wardrobe:


Adding a belt to your work outfit is a great way to take something from appropriate to a little better for nighttime. This belt can go overtop almost any outfit that you have, so you want to get it in a neutral style. There are many different types of belts, so you have to find one that works the best for you and your wardrobe.

Try out different styles so that you can see what works for you.

Great Shoes

One of the most important things you need for a day to night wardrobe is a great pair of shoes. These are the shoes that are appropriate to wear wherever you work. This can be flats, sandals, or even heels that will look great with your other accessories. of course, you want to make sure that you can walk in them – because we tend to do a lot more walking in summer.


An LBD, as most women already know, is one of the best inventions of all time. It is appropriate for almost anything you go to, from a date to a funeral to the boardroom to a summer night. Sure, you might be a little warmer because black is a hot color, but you can work around that.

Try to get an LBD in a fabric that is light and breathable – or maybe one that is lace.


Your purse can make or break your outfit – especially when it comes to work and going out. The best thing you can do is purchase a high-quality purse that can do both.. You want to get a bag that will look great during the day, and one that you can switch over to a more nighttime bag. Then, you don’t have to switch everything and worry about forgetting anything.

How do you like to switch from day to night during the summer months?

Image by StartupStockPhotos licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 (source: pixabay)