Seriously Sneaky Ways to Look Slimmer!


We are not going to bore you with run-of-the-mill advice like “stand up straight” or “get a fake tan” (although those two actually do work). And no, we aren’t going to tell you to eat healthier and be more active (although you really should try those too). What we do have for you are 6 very simple tips to make you look slimmer instantly that you can employ the very next time you hit the town…

  • Shape it – You’ve heard the saying “Beauty is Pain”? Well, while it’s not exactly pain, there might be some slight discomfort involved… but it is totally worth it. We’re talkin’ shapewear. These little miracle pieces can go a long way to lift your breasts and behind, smooth out bulges, and control the tummy. And they do it all while no one else is none the wiser!
  • Cinch it – We all know that a loose shirt, jacket, or cardigan laying open over a tight tank or tee shirt can help to hide bulges… but unfortunately, they can also add the look of extra pounds. The best solution is to add a thin belt to nip in the waist and define your shape.
  • Support it – If you’ve never been professionally fitted for a bra…do it! There are many stores that offer this service for free, even if you don’t buy one of their bras. And no, this is not just for girls with “ample assets”; even those with smaller breasts can benefit from finding the truly correct bra size and fit. An ill-fitting bra doesn’t lift or provide a flattering shape. A well-fitting bra will get the “girls” up and where they belong, looking fab, and also helping to define your waist.
  • Think heels – Don’t just think heels…think stilettos. Don’t panic. We’re not talking the sky-high-break-your-neck ones. Anything at two inches or above will do. Look for a slender, pointed toe and a thin heel which help to extend and slenderize the silhouette of the calves (a thicker heel can sometimes make the leg look shorter and bulkier).
  • Think NUDE heels – Since we’re already on the subject of heels, the best you can get for making your legs look long and lean are nude heels (understand though that “nude” means matching your leg color. If you don’t match your leg hue, this little trick won’t work). No matter what you’re wearing…color, pattern… nude heels always match, because they blend into your skin tone.
  • V-neck, yes! – Why a V-neck you ask? The upside-down triangle exposing skin draws the eye up and away from your midsection, giving it a higher focal point, and providing the illusion of a slimmer body. Along those same lines, a wider V-neck usually helps to balance broad hips and thighs.

If your wardrobe is missing any of these quick-fix items to help you look instantly slimmer, what are you waiting for?

Image by Unsplash is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 (source: pixabay)